Upcoming Projects

I have some things in the works, but I feel like I need to give the slightest bit of details to hold myself accountable, so this is what this blog post is for.

The Teal Animation Project

This is the project for which I gave myself five rules to work on it effectively, one of those rules was to work on it every day. I did not work on it for more than one day. I plan on resuming progress on that project eventually.

"Atrean Strikers"

This is a rogue like project I want to work on, I have a rough draft document on its design, and I want to work on it. It'll likely be a mobile game, and I plan on publishing it to Google Play if I ever finish it.


I challenged myself to make a chat client and server in Rust to learn the ins and outs of the language; I don't know if I'm making it overly complex in design in my own head, but I'm having a hard time finding the energy to complete that project. I didn't get very far, but I'll see if I can make more progress.

Something with SDL

I've been having a lot of fun writing C lately, and I'm starting to get the hang of how SDL works, I want to make a game with a little more of a "from scratch" approach to hone my skills, and I think something in C with SDL to handle graphics, audio and input is a great choice for that purpose.

This is a project I actually plan on writing about here in the blog as I work on it. I have a rough idea of what I actually want for it, and it would be nice to start holding myself accountable by making posts about it in a periodical manner, kind of like a progress report.

The Games Page

I've updated nearly all pages of my site to the new 2023 design, except for the Games page, that's still rocking that same original 2021 racc.at theme. I want to change that to make all pages in this site consistent. In addition to that, I really need more items to fill that page in with. It's got a lot of space left.

Edit: Hey, it took a while, but at least I got this one done.


So in short I have plenty of projects I want to work on, but I can hardly find the motivation to actually get to work on any of it. I'm sure that'll change with time, as it always has, but I really do wish I could consistently Get To Business with these things. Time is moving fast, but I am not.